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One Signature at a Time

By Maeji Gi

At this moment in time, the world is on the verge of a revolution. People everywhere are banding together and fighting for something that should’ve already been achieved centuries agoーracial equality, specifically for black people in our communities. The black community has been oppressed long enough and it is time to fight for what they deserve. People have organized public protests in major cities around the world, but not everyone is able to attend them. Everyone has their reasons, but this shouldn’t stop anyone from finding another way to help. Whether it be small or big, any amount of help is valid and appreciated because staying silent makes you a part of the problem.

A good way to help this movement is through signing petitions. Petitions are essentially a request for a change in the government or a system and they are typically made to raise awareness to higher authorities and/or groups. Signing petitions is a quick and simple way for people to use their voice in situations where they are unable to physically go out and protest for change. Here is a compiled list of petitions that you can sign to support the Black Lives Matter movement.

1. Hands Up Act: Sign this Petition

This petition created by SIU graduate, Travis Washington, is pushing for legislation that prevents police officers from shooting unarmed citizens. Armed police officers killing unarmed citizens is all over social media, but in many cases, these police officers have been released without any criminal charges. This act will help make minorities (especially black people) feel safe to walk outside of their homes instead of fearing that they will be harmed or killed.

2. National Act Against Police Brutality: Sign this Petition

The National Act Against Police Brutality demands that police officers who have murdered innocent and/or unarmed individuals be prosecuted. We have witnessed time and time again how police officers have made arrests without cause. Several police officers have admitted to planting narcotics/drugs as a reason to make unlawful arrests, but the innocent individuals are still serving time in jail for crimes they never committed. Law enforcement has “justified” police officers’ unfair uses of power and they never faced charges for the lives they’ve ruined.

3. Pass the Black History Education Bill: Sign this Petition

By signing this petition, you are helping demand the New York State Senate and the New York State Assembly pass the Black History Education Bill. This bill will properly educate children on African American history all year and not just during Black History Month. It is extremely important that we implement black history in the learning curriculum. It will spark empowerment and pride in children and the community. A major part of the fight for racial equality is proper education of our children.

4. Ban the use of tear gas on civilians: Sign this Petition

Currently, police and law enforcement have been using tear gas as a way to control crowds during peaceful protests nationwide (and across the world). Tear gas has been classified as a chemical weapon and has been banned from international warfare. The use of tear gas can be very harmful and even fatal, especially for the elderly, children, and those with common pre-existing health conditions. Signing this petition can help end the use of an international warfare weapon from being used on civilians.

5. Ban the use of rubber bullets for crowd control: Sign this Petition

This petition is demanding that the use of rubber bullets be banned for crowd control. These rubber bullets consist of a hard metal core coated in rubber and are the size of your palm. Rubber bullets are very dangerous and police officers will randomly shoot them to “control crowds” which can cause severe injuries to whoever gets hit. Protestors can be seen suffering severe injuries by rubber bullets all over the media.

6. Defund the Police: Sign this Petition

Signing this petition will support defunding the police in hopes of ending the systemic racism they rely on. Our country prioritizes law enforcement and politics more than the well being of the citizens. These minorities are often discriminated against in all facets of society. If the police are defunded, that money can go to free healthcare, housing, and providing other vital resources to the less fortunate communities which can in turn help reduce the need for the police force altogether.

7. Make lynching a federal crime: Sign this Petition

Lynching is the premeditated murder (commonly through hanging) by a group that is meant to spread terror or act as a threat. The lynching of members of the black community has existed since the Civil War and there have been countless efforts to pass anti-lynching laws, but they have failed each time. Almost all lynchings are racially driven and 99% of lynch mobs have escaped punishment. This petition is pushing for lynching to be a federal crime. These lynch mobs are murderers and should face charges.

8. Push for the George Floyd Act: Sign this Petition

The George Floyd Act advocates for changes within police education, training, and procedures. In summary, this petition requests for the police to require more training, mental health check-ins, proper non-lethal restraints, the use of dashboard cameras, and much more. This act will reform law enforcement and reinforce stricter guidelines and rules for police so civilians can be protected.

9. Justice for Breonna Taylor: Sign this Petition

Breonna Taylor was an award-winning EMT who was shot 8 times and killed during an illegal and unannounced drug raid by the Louisville Police Department. In addition to that, the police had not only raided the wrong house, but the man they were looking for had already been arrested earlier that day. Taylor’s family is forced to pay for the damages the police officers caused and the police officers involved in her death, John Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove (among others), are still facing no charges.

10. Justice for Tamir Rice: Sign this Petition

On November 22, 2014, 12 year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed by Officer Timothy Loehmann. Tamir Rice was seen with a “pistol” while walking to the store to get a bag of Skittles. It turns out the “pistol” was an airsoft replica of a pistol. Rice had a bright future and was gifted in basketball and football but his life was cut short when he was falsely accused of carrying a weapon. The officer responsible for Tamir Rice’s death is still running free and manipulating the grand jury process to ensure his “innocence”.



For more information on how to help, visit the following links:

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