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What's Happening in Portland?

By Ajay Iyer

A few months ago, many of our Instagram feeds and Twitter timelines were filled with informative posts on Black Lives Matter, videos of protests, and black squares. Today, most of them have returned to pictures of the beach and graduation announcements from high school seniors, but these protests and nationwide outrage are still very much alive despite the lack of media coverage. 

One place where tensions are actually rising rather than cooling is Portland, Oregon. Protests in Portland began peacefully protesting in May with few incidents of note, mirroring the situations of many cities across the country. In recent weeks, however, federal officers from the US Marshals Service and Customs and Border Protection, acting under President Trump’s orders to “restore peace” through an Executive Order signed in June have taken control, have been enacting aggression and several purported acts of brutality. Local and state police in Oregon have openly challenged and opposed the action of these federal officers to no avail and the protests continue nightly. In hopes of preventing the loss and injury to more residents, the state of Oregon has recently filed a lawsuit against the agencies involved.

Videos of the atrocities occurring in Portland have been gaining traction on some social media, but in large part, the events have been swept under the rug. Users have reported their posts being taken down or, specifically on TikTok, the users being “shadow-banned”, in which their content is not being displayed to the public through the “For You Page” due to its nature. The incidents in Portland are certainly not pretty, but it is vital that all citizens of the country be aware of the liberties the federal officers have taken and the plight of the Portland protestors. 

Oregon Public Broadcasting reported last Thursday that federal officers were through downtown Portland in unmarked vehicles and coming out of these vehicles, dressed in full camouflage, to unlawfully detain protestors which no explanation or reasoning since at least July 14. Two victims, Mark Pettibone and Conner O’Shea have spoken out about their experience in this situation publicly. There have been a total of 13 protest-related charges and many more detainments eventually leading to release. These unlawful detainments are also the basis for the aforementioned lawsuit. 

One gruesome incident that has gained some momentum on social media is the shooting of a 26-year-old protestor by the name of Donovan La Bella. In a video spreading on twitter, La Bella is holding a speaker over his head. A canister is thrown at his feet which he lightly kicks away. Seconds later, a loud noise is heard and La Bella collapses, which is the moment in which La Bella is shot in the head by “impact munition”. Eventually, those present at the protest and the world at large would learn that La Bella endured face and skull fractures and underwent reconstructive surgery last Sunday. He is still in recovery and is showing some signs of permanent neurological damage for the apparent crime of holding a speaker. When addressed, the US Marshall’s Service initially declined to comment, but has now stated that it is launching a full investigation into the events occurring that night. 

Another feature of the riots receiving attention is the “Wall of Moms”, a group of mothers dressed in yellow linking arms and forming what appears to be a protective barrier between the federal officers and the other protestors present. Videos show these mothers echoing rousing chants with other protestors as they breach the fence around the federal courthouse, an area meant to be protected by the federal officers. The protestors were later dispersed by officers, but have been present at several protests and have even planned protests as a part of an organization called “Moms Against Police Brutality”.

Overall, the actions of the federal officers in Portland, Oregon have violated the constitutional rights of far too many citizens and have only succeeded at seeding more aggression and anarchy. For many of us reading this article, it may be easy to dismiss these actions as crazed protestors who should simply stop rioting if they wish to avoid its consequences. To those who believe that, I urge you to reassess what the pillars of this nation: freedom and bravery, truly mean. If we cannot be free to walk the streets at night in our cities without fear of being detained without explanation or if we cannot brave the streets in pursuit of better conditions and what we believe is right, what are these ideals worth? If the American people allow the actions of the federal police in Portland go unpunished and unchecked, where does federal power end and the power of the people begin?

For those of you looking into ways to help, what Portland needs is awareness of what is occurring and nationwide demands that federal officers leave the cities they currently occupy. Share this article and any videos you come across as you scroll through Twitter or TikTok, and do not allow yourself to be desensitized to what is occurring in Oregon. It may not be in your hometown, but never doubt that this is happening in your home--be it state, country, or planet. 


Sources:  Givetash, Linda. “'Wall of Moms' Stand between Portland Black Lives Matter Protesters and Federal Police.”, NBCUniversal News Group, 20 July 2020,

Goodman, Jack. “Portland Protests: All You Need to Know about Trump's Crackdown.” BBC News, BBC, 20 July 2020,

Levinson , Jonathan, and Conrad Wilson. “Federal Law Enforcement Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab Protesters Off Portland Streets.” Oregon Public Broadcasting, OPB, 17 July 2020,

Oregonian/OregonLive, Ryan Nguyen | The, and Alex Hardgrave | The Oregonian/OregonLive. “Police Shoot Portland Protester in Head with Impact Weapon, Causing Severe Injuries.” Oregonlive, 13 July 2020,

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